I dont know about anyone else but, I've always had an issue with reading. Although reading is cool, when you tell most folks that you dont read alot, they assume that you dont thirst for knowledge. That's far from the truth for me. I seek knowledge. Believe it or not, I developed my vocabulary by watching sports on T.V. and listening to others in conversation. Dialogue has always been a key facet of learning for me. Being able to ask questions and soak in the responses allow me to grasp a deeper understanding.
But, let's talk about success. Well, not success itself but, the pursuit of success. Many individuals feel a need to read books to find the 21 steps ,13 habits , 48 laws and/or 120 principles of this thing that we call success. As I think about this pursuit, a few things come to mind. First, you must consider the source. Secondly, you must be allowed to engage in dialogue to grasp a deeper meaning of the information. Finally, if additional instructions that surface from the dialogue doesn't help you may want to revisit the source.
The average book angled toward adults could contain 400 pages. Each page could contain 500-600 words. So we're talking about 200,000 - 240,000 words per book. Have you ever had a 240,000 word conversation? Better yet, have you ever had to listen to someone spill 240,000 words into your ear/mind, while you sit and merely listen/read? After about 300 words, you will probably have some questions. But, if not given the chance to respond and/or ask questions, you will have one of two options. You can a.) Act is if you understand or b.) Demand the opportunity to interrupt the speaker in an effort to ask questions. After reading my first 250 words, I'm sure you have questions now about where I'm going with this. Just sit tight. See, you will more than likely have questions at around the 300 word mark whenever somebody is speaking. Why? Well, I believe many people aren't always speaking in an effort to assist you in understanding the issue in question. They often speak in a way that makes them "sound good". In a formal environment, many of us jump at the opportunity to "sound" intellectual. Too many words and that often leads people being left unsatisfied and without the true answer. Let me not be the "pot", so I will get to the point.
Reading a book causes you to take in 240,000 words without being able to respond. Of course, you could read the book and then ask a friend how to apply the steps, habits, laws and principles. But, if the friend didn't write the book or read the book, they can never ultimately give you the meaning behind the writing. Most people need dialogue to attain knowledge. Teachers field questions. Preachers break down the bylaws of a specific religion for his/her parishioners through the reading of passages in that religion's "constitution". You may read alone at home but the weekly gathering of "like-minded" people not only listening to the spiritual leader but engaging in fellowship with one another to reassure the belief through the sharing of experiences is a major element within spiritual growth. These things allow for a deeper understanding. Most people need to stop and ask the original source "Why did you say THIS?". The ability to learn begins when a teacher is present. Being taught involves dialogue. This is why when you are hired at your place of employment, you're arent just given a booklet that will magically answer every question. Just imagine going to your boss and asking a question and being referred back to the guide. Imagine not having a boss in the physical to ask a question to. This is what success books do to you. I'm not discouraging you from reading these books. I'm just hear to answer the question of why folks like Donald Trump sell millions of books on success, but you dont see millions of people becoming successful as a result. Some say "Those people arent applying the principles". I say "That's not how most people learn".
Success is acquired by a person's ability to ask questions. Hearing that initial "intellectual" response, seeing if that works and if not, ask the same question in a different way. Your ability to work through the obstacles of getting the answer is the same ability it takes to overcome the obstacles of the items that stand between you and your goal. Let's say that your goal is to improve you're diet. You want to eat better, there will be obstacles. When will I find time to shop at the grocery store? When will I cook? Will I really want to "bag my lunch" everyday? Will I ever get to treat myself to a meal out on the town? All of the questions are also potential obstacles. The answers to those questions allow the situation to become simple. Not EASY....just simple.
Hey look guys, I'm not going to sit here and sell you some story about how this has worked for me. Honestly, I figured this all out on the way home......TONIGHT. But, thats the difference between me and the guy who will charge you $445 to attend a weekend conference to hear him speak. That's the different between me and the guy who charges you $24.99 for a book and makes you wait outside a bookstore to get a signed copy. Sometimes their "success" comes from selling those books! LOL
The key to success is figuring out what questions to ask, who to ask them to and how to know when your question has been truly answered.
P.S. Even though I just figured this whole thing out tonight, feel free to email me with questions. I'm not like the other authors. I wont give you 200,000 words, charge you, not answer you question AND "game" you. But, if I could borrow say about $10, we can meet up talk a lil bit and I'd appreciate that! If you dont give me the 10 spot, I'll keep asking the right questions to the right people and end up being "successful" in "pursuing" that 10.
-Salvador Gabor-
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