I guess its no clue to who I'm riding with huh?

Hillary and Bill Clinton injected $5 million of their personal fortune into Hilary's campaign a few days ago.
Barack Obama won the most states and the most delegates on February 5th.
The Clinton infusion of $5 million -- and there are reports it could end up being as much as $20 million -- will give them huge resources for the next set of primaries and caucuses.
Tuesday was proof that America is ready for change -- and that you are the force to make that change happen.
But there's still a long way to go before Barack becomes the Democratic nominee. In the next week alone, six more states will hold their primaries and caucuses.
The campaign needs to match this $5 million personal contribution from the Clintons immediately and put these resources to work in the states that will vote next.
If you would like to donate to the campaign do it here
Here are some details about yesterday's historic victory. According to official results and exit polls:
Barack won 2-to-1 in traditionally conservative states where Democrats are hungry for a nominee who can change the map and help Democrats up and down the ticket win in November
His winning coalition included Americans of every race, background, and gender -- including 64% of women in Georgia
Obama scored wins in every region of the country -- New England, the Mid-Atlantic, the South, the Midwest, the Rocky Mountain states, and the West
Americans had a clear choice to make yesterday, and they chose Barack Obama.
Update: Barack Obama raised over 7.5 mil since Tuesday! SHeesh
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