Featured above we see Dumbmond Williams and Idiotmean Early. These two finance bandits must be undercover agents at the Treasury Department. In the name of misers everywhere I can't figure for the life of me why one would burn money. Let me try and deduce this mystery of money burning. Here are a few things they could be....
Professional dry cleaners that happen to print tickets that look like fake money. they are celebrating their 400th pressed shirt after 1 month of business.
Well-to-do Bloods from Carson City taking pyru love to the Nth degree.
Operators of the newest US Mint in St. Louis that happens to be disguised as a club. They had 300 more bags of old money to burn.
Allan Greenspan's outside kids and they are taking a stand against their economist daddy who has been absent from their lives for the past 17yrs.
A word to the wise was sufficient, and a rhyme to the dumb works even better.
This aint balling.
Put that money in a CD and go on and be a real 5 percenter.
PS these 2 give financial tips on www.dumbfuckfinancialservices.hot
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