This is a Blog designed for those that live a Hood lifestyle with Hollywood taste. This is for that young professional or the corner boy, this is for the '9 to 5'er' or the '24hr's no days off' type. This Blog is a well needed, fresh outlook on todays society. It presents answers to those daily questions and conversations you have with your co-workers, and those life long arguments that barber shops and hair salons never seem to conclude. Presented by a DC mind with a world wide approach.
1 comment:
I'm sorry, but I had to just brbing it to your attention, that diamonds are NOT are girl's bebst friend. They ARE a guy's best friend though. I mean, think about. A girl may expect something from her boo, but it may or may not be diamonds. Guys just automatically assume, 'Damn, it's 'bout time I got her that 5 karat ring.' It's not always about the material things. Sometimes it's just 'the thought that counts.' Although, it did work with my ex.[Smile]
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