Friday, February 8, 2008

The Missing Banister Theory

If you didn't reaad the post about Kanye's new book "Thank You and You're Welcome" here is one of the quotes that struck me the most!! Pay close attention people

"When walking down the street, you can walk in one line perfectly without ever falling over. Now take that same city block, make it a foot wider and then put it 100 stories high. You're going to be so focused on the fact that you don't have a banister, that you're more likely to fall because of it.

When you're so focused on what you don't won't have!

Isn't interseting how one thing changes everything?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In this example he changes two things: the width of the sidewalk and the height of it from the ground. So in this case two things "change everything." And also it's a theory, so no one knows if raising the height of doing something easy increases the difficulty. For example, most tight rope walkers have the same level of difficutly two feet off the ground as they do 100 feet off the ground.