I mean we all know that the only reason drugs are even illegal in the 1st place, is because the government has not found a way to tax them yet. I mean if you want to be honest, there's a lot of shit that's legal that's worst than some illegal drugs.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Tuesday, December 2, a group of law enforcers who fought on the front lines of the “war on drugs” and witnessed its failures will commemorate the 75th anniversary of alcohol prohibition’s repeal by calling for drug legalization. The cops, judges and prosecutors will release a report detailing how many billions of dollars can be used to boost the ailing economy when drug prohibition is ended.
“America’s leaders had the good sense to realize that we couldn’t afford to keep enforcing the ineffective prohibition of alcohol during the Great Depression,” said Terry Nelson, a 30-year veteran federal agent and member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP). “Now, cops fighting on the front lines of today’s ‘war on drugs’ are working to make our streets safer and help solve our economic crisis by teaching lawmakers a lesson from history about the failure of prohibition. We can do it again.”
We Can Do It Again: Repealing Today’s Failed Prohibition,” highlights how the “war on drugs” – just like alcohol prohibition – subsidizes violent gangsters, endangers public health and diminishes public respect for the rule of law. The report also details how the newer prohibition comes with the much graver threat of international cartels and terrorists who profit from illegal drug sales. Yet, it leaves readers on a hopeful note…
“We’re starting to see an emerging consensus that drug prohibition just doesn’t make sense,” said Seattle’s retired Police Chief Norm Stamper, a LEAP member. “Three out of four Americans now say the ‘war on drugs’ has failed, and so do the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the National Black Caucus of State Legislators and the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators. Now, it’s up to the new administration and Congress to follow through.”
What do you think??
1 comment:
I agree with them. I think marijuana should most definitely be decriminalized and that way the government can regulate it's sale and profit from it. It doesn't make sense to keep locking people up for possessing weed and you've got murders at home chilling. You look at other countries and most drugs aren't illegal because it's the peoples business what they want to do with their bodies as long as you don't harm others. If you take the penalty away from it, you change the whole outlook on it. It's the labeling theory made manifest. Guarantee you if the government started growing it and have some scientist get in the lab and engineer some really good green, wouldn't be a dude on the street who'd make bread.
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