Some of you are probably hip already but for those of you that are not, let me introduce you to Def Jam's newest beauties, Electrik Red. I'm not sure if you would put them in a R&B or pop category but I like what they are doing. I saw an interview with them and they seem like some pretty cool ass chicks to hang around too!! Anyway I'm sure you'll being hearing more from Electrik Red in the near future but in the meantime check out 2 videos below!!
Electrik Red ft. The Dream-Drink In My Cup
Electrik Red-Electric City
I heard about this group. didnt know they already had a couples videos? idk wat they can become, bcuz theyre one of these up n coming groups whose names didnt stick w/ me.... jus my thoughts
Yeah they are still under the radar. Once they are up on Def Jam's marketing schedule, I'm sure they'll get a bigger push and you will start to hear more. But you are surely right about the new groups!! We'll see, I guess
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