Just listened to Plies "Definition of Real" album and I must say he has done it again!! I know some of you are going to say I'm crazy but you really have to give Plies his credit. I'm not saying he is a great lyricist or anything like that but he does get the point across the way it needs to and the way some of these other rappers are scared to!! He does him!!
Unlike the 1st album he has a few more joints for the ladies. I don't mean those real watered down girly girly joints but a few joints keeping it 100% real with the ladies about how us real dudes be feeling bout you! Yall loving "Bust it Baby" right now so I know you'll like "#1 Fan"!!
Be sure to support Plies when his album drops on June 10th. We need more artist like him in the game and be able to stay in the game. Cop Plies "Definition of Real" here!!
i am definitely giving plies more cfredit nowadays. when i first heard of him, he was "just another rapper" to me, even rocko, but dats a different story. i really love bust it baby pt 2, and #1 fan isn't bad at all
im impressed, piles is doing it big these days..might have to check out his album
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