Slim is continuing his run with a new single, Powder for the Babies, and I must say that this right here is a beam up!! Check inside for this new heat!
This is a Blog designed for those that live a Hood lifestyle with Hollywood taste. This is for that young professional or the corner boy, this is for the '9 to 5'er' or the '24hr's no days off' type. This Blog is a well needed, fresh outlook on todays society. It presents answers to those daily questions and conversations you have with your co-workers, and those life long arguments that barber shops and hair salons never seem to conclude. Presented by a DC mind with a world wide approach.
Yeah This Shit Right Here is Definitely The Beam Up! It's gonna be a hot summer...!
Finally an artist out of DC that I like! good to see that there is real talent there and not just overhyped bs
I am tellin you all, the Dude is SO FOCUS! This joint right here, OW MY *Ugly Face*. Beam up Bitches!!! HEAT!
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