Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This is just a small reminder of what some of the world's greatest people went through to give us opportunities such as the right to vote and to be able to put Barack Obama in place to make a change! Lets not take it for granted!! Get up get out and vote!! Your vote can make the difference if not for our generation at least for our kids generation as we don't want them to be stuck with the same struggle we did because of the wrong person in office!! I'm not going to tell you who to vote for but lets be honest, the republicans aren't out for our best interest! When I say us, I don't mean just black people but regular everyday hardworking folks!! Do your research and when November comes around, VOTE!!! If you are not registered to vote please do so ASAP!! Even if you think you can't register for whatever reason, still make the attempt to see if you can!! YOU CAN REGISTER TO VOTE here!!!

1 comment:

CCG said...

Great Post!!! The message is imple, but; EFFECTIVE!!!!